The start…..

The day has finally arrived, the start of the Blood Sugar Diet.
As I’ve already explained I’m doing this to lose as much of my excess weight as I can and to hopefully reduce my visceral fat, all of this with a view to aiding the control of my type 2 diabetes and, if some of the stories are to be believed, possibly eradicate it.
And so to the figures and those awful body shots.

Starting weight: 96kg

Starting fat %. 28.1

Starting muscle %. 34.2

Visceral fat %. 15

Starting blood sugar reading, (after an 10 hour fast). 11mm ok/L

Not pretty – but hopefully we will start to see some progress soon!

Christmas has not been kind to my waistline, but some would say a perfect time to start such a journey – BUT, being the nice guy I am I wanted to make sure that I went out with a bang and my weekend eating has included the entire menu at the fabulous Masala Wala Café, porkpies, crisps, McDonalds, a fry up and of course a G & T or three.

But down to it, and day one of my 800 calorie diet looks like this:

Breakfast – 200 calories 

Two hard boiled eggs with a tomato and some chopped radishes

Lunch – 200 calories

Tuna, celery, apple, tomato and radish salad

Dinner – 400 calories
Chicken and steamed veg

On the face of it a veritable feast, but when you see what these actually look like, (breakfast and lunch above), it really doesn’t look that much.
As the week progresses I’ll post my meals on instagram and I’ll update you weekly as to my progress here, I’ll be honest about how I’m feeling, how the figures are doing, and most importantly how hungry I am.
Wish me luck.

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